Saturday, August 31, 2013

Abigail at 18 months

Abigail is 18 months! She's showing more of her own personality every day. Here's some fun things about her right now:

-She's talking a lot....about everything. We call her our little parrot because she repeats whatever we say....
-She's able to climb onto the couch other furniture. This makes waiting for daddy to come home each night even more fun!
-Eating everything and anything you put in front of her. Favorite food-cheese. Favorite veggie-peas. Does not like-meat or sandwiches...working on those!
-Loves taking all of her stuffed animals for walks on the dog leash
-Tries to take her baby on a walk on the leash until we tell her that babies don't go on leashes
-Still has 0 interest in books or being read to, except for Brown Bear which she repeats over and over again. She only likes it because it has flaps that she can lift up
-loves "craft time" where I pull out a bag of crayons and paper and she gets to color
- Favorite animal still a dog. Our dog still doesnt like her. We affectionately call them "frienemies"
-Loves all her grandmas and FaceTime, doesn't have a clue about cell phones because there is no picture
-getting very good at going potty on the toilet
- sleeps like a champ from 6 to 6 each night
-has had 4 ear infections in the last 8 months, ugh waiting to see what the dr. wants to do about this if anything

Overall she is joyful. Nathan says she has a vocation of joy! Everywhere we go she makes people smile:)

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