Thursday, December 20, 2012

9 months!

The months are flying by! Here is Abigail during her 9th month!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanksgiving a Little Late

Here is a recap of Thanksgiving!

 Play Date with Baby Vince the week of Thanksgiving

 Abigail's new favorite toy-the basting brush!

 Trying to fit in her "lamby" that she used when she was a baby
In her "lamby" when she was just a few weeks old

 Turkey Time!

 Dressed all warm to go to black Friday deals

Saturday, December 1, 2012

8 months!

Sorry for the long break! The blog has been resisting my new post b/c of some technical difficulties, but alas everything is fixed now. Get ready for lots of updates this week! Here is Abigail at 8 months, even though she is 9 months already (9 month pics to come later!)

 At 8 months she is sleeping through the night!!!! Her typical bedtime is 6 or 6:30 and she sleeps until 6 or 6:30 in the morning. This is such a big difference from the first 5 months of her life! She is also eating solids for 3 meals a day. Her favorite foods right now are yogurt and pancakes. She still has no teeth:( She is crawling everywhere and starting to really show her personality. The puppy continues to be her favorite thing. Enjoy!

 Getting an 8 month old to sit still for pictures is not easy!
 Stare down

 Off she goes..

 The bell is also her favorite toy....

One more month until our North Dakota Trip!