Sunday, July 29, 2012

5 months, summer time and hats

Abigail is 5 months! So far this summer she has traveled a lot! In just 5 months she has been to Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota,Michigan, and Indiana! She used to like the car seat, but now protest every time I put her in it. She is weighing around 12 lbs. 9 oz as of last Wednesday. She is long! She can roll over, and "scoot" which basically means drag herself from one spot to another. Not crawling yet, but soon! Sleeping is getting better and she is typically only getting up once in the night to feed. Her hair is growing so long that I can no longer put it straight up in a clip, we are having to move to the side clip. She continues to be a joy and each day watching her grow is a blessing. Enjoy the pictures!

 Sun hat and cloth diaper-where are we going? nowhere, just bored at home!

  1.  Yup-the dog is bored too

 Visiting big brother
 Loving his pinwheel!

 5 months! 

 I am so long........
 But both of my parents are short?!?!

 I can sit up with a little help from mom

 And I love my feet-yum!
 What else is there to do on a Sunday morning when Dad has to work and we've already been to mass the night before? Dress up in our hats of course!

 Family Time

 Just after she woke up from nap...she was in a zombie like state for a while!

Monday, July 16, 2012


The last two weeks have been filled with firsts. Abigail got her first haircut and tried her first taste of cereal. Big steps for our almost 5 month old!

This is what her hair did look like! Bad hair day after a long nap

Getting her first haircut

They trimmed the back and even out the front

Her certificate at the end with her mommy and hair stylist!

First bite of cereal. She has absolutely no idea what to do with the spoon or how to eat off of it!

More cereal ended up on her than in her mouth. We are working on it though and each time she gets a little better!

Friday, July 6, 2012

4 months

A little behind on the 4 month pic, but at least we got it! At her 4 month appointment she weighed in at 11 lbs. 12 oz and 25 inches long. The only comment the doctor made was that usually long and lean children like her get hurt more often because they are so fast! They roll over easier and crawl faster and thus get into more trouble and hurt more. Great! She has taken a step back with sleeping and is now waking up 2-3 times a night (ugh!). But for the most part she is a good sleeper and FINALLY likes the crib. She is getting so big and so far I would say that 4 months is my favorite stage! Enjoy the pictures!

Abigail and Daddy during tummy time

bath time!

Happy 4th of July!
4 months!

So serious!

The princess and the pea! She enjoyed the pillows while I made the bed

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Abigail Thérèse :)

A year ago today we found out we were expecting Abigail. It's still hard to believe that Abigail came to us so quickly after we lost Caleb. The 4th of July will always be special to me because its a day where I had renewed hope that life might just be worth living again. So today I want to post this song to tell my baby girl how much I love her and thank her for how much she has healed me.
"I get to be the one" by J. J. Heller