Thursday, December 20, 2012

9 months!

The months are flying by! Here is Abigail during her 9th month!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanksgiving a Little Late

Here is a recap of Thanksgiving!

 Play Date with Baby Vince the week of Thanksgiving

 Abigail's new favorite toy-the basting brush!

 Trying to fit in her "lamby" that she used when she was a baby
In her "lamby" when she was just a few weeks old

 Turkey Time!

 Dressed all warm to go to black Friday deals

Saturday, December 1, 2012

8 months!

Sorry for the long break! The blog has been resisting my new post b/c of some technical difficulties, but alas everything is fixed now. Get ready for lots of updates this week! Here is Abigail at 8 months, even though she is 9 months already (9 month pics to come later!)

 At 8 months she is sleeping through the night!!!! Her typical bedtime is 6 or 6:30 and she sleeps until 6 or 6:30 in the morning. This is such a big difference from the first 5 months of her life! She is also eating solids for 3 meals a day. Her favorite foods right now are yogurt and pancakes. She still has no teeth:( She is crawling everywhere and starting to really show her personality. The puppy continues to be her favorite thing. Enjoy!

 Getting an 8 month old to sit still for pictures is not easy!
 Stare down

 Off she goes..

 The bell is also her favorite toy....

One more month until our North Dakota Trip!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Abigail's first Halloween

Abigail had many dress up days this Halloween. Here she is in all her outfits:

 Might Moo Cow!

 Crying pumpkin

 Pumpkin Princess

 Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf

 Siena was such a good sport about her costume!
 Cutest Little Red Riding Hood ever! 

*She was going to be St. Therese the little flower for all Saints day, but came down with a cold :( I will try to post pictures of her in that costume when she feels better:)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Friend Time!

This past weekend we had a good friend visit. Joy and I were pregnant together when I was carrying Caleb. Her little girl, Gianna, is about one month older than Caleb. It always shocks me to see Gianna because I think of how little (and big!) Caleb would be. Joy is Abigail's godmother and was such a comfort to me after we lost him. It is such a blessing to have a friend like her. We had a great time hanging out and letting the girls play!
 Abigail was a little overwhelmed I think!

 At the pumpkin patch!

 Very serious praying her rosary :)

I can't wait to watch these two grow up!